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Read online book Rethinking Globalizations: Critical Rationalism and Globalization : Towards the Sociology of the Open Global Society by Masoud Mohammadi Alamuti in DJV, FB2


Critical Rationalism and Globalization addresses how the access to critical reason enables people to shape a new social order on a global scale. This book demonstrates how the philosophy of critical rationalism contributes to the sociology of Globalization, through uncovering the role of critical reason in arriving at an agreement on common values and institutions on a global scale. It discusses how value consensus on the institutions of sovereignty and inter-state law has prepared the ground for the rise of a global system of national societies after the end of World War II. Masoud Alamuti argues that uneven openness of national economies to global trade and investment should be comprehended in the framework of the post-war legal and political context. Using the concept of rationality as openness to criticism, the book proposes a normative theory of open global society in order to show that the existing value consensus on the cult of sovereignty suffers from the recognition of the possibility of rational dialogue among competing ways of the good life. Masoud Alamuti argues that once the people of the world, across national communities, open their fundamental ways of the good life to mutual criticism, they can create common global values necessary for the rise of a just social order on a global scale. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Globalization Studies, Global Sociology and International Relations., This book addresses the question of how the access to "critical reason" enables people to shape a new social order on a global scale. It shows that the contribution of the philosophy of critical rationalism to the sociology of globalization can be understood through uncovering the role of critical reason in arriving at an agreement on "common values and institutions" on a global scale. The book argues how value consensus on the institutions of sovereignty and inter state law has prepared the ground for the rise of a "global system of national societies" after the end of World War II. It demonstrates that uneven openness of national economies to global trade and investment should be comprehended in the framework of the post war legal and political context. Using the concept of rationality as "openness to criticism," the book proposes a "normative theory of open global society" in order to show that the existing value consensus on the cult of sovereignty suffers from the recognition of the possibility of rational dialogue among competing ways of life. The book then goes on to argue that once the people of the world across national communities open their fundamental ways of life to mutual criticism, they can create common global values necessary for the rise of a "just social order" an a global scale. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Globalization Studies, Global Sociology and International Relations.", This book employs critical rationalism to formulate a sociological theory of globalisation. It internalizes critical rationalist epistemology in the human action model that operates as micro-foundation of macro-sociological theories. The author develops the theory of the sociology of the open global society, and applies this to: Provide a new sociological analysis of contemporary globalisation, describing it as a liberal-capitalist globality in which the struggle for political power has been superseded with the competition for economic interests. Criticize the existing globalisation because it organizes people across the world according to economic competition as opposed to dialogue and cooperation. Introduce an alternative globalisation by exploring how a rational dialogue among world civilizations can transform liberal-capitalist globality into an open global society of free and equal citizens. The author demonstrates people's access to critical rationality enables them to open their own fundamental beliefs to mutual criticism. Such an epistemic openness logically enforces them to agree over a set of globally shared values, centered on the global ethics of openness to criticism. The global ethics urges people to establish social institutions of an open global society. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Globalization Studies, Global Sociology and International Relations.

Masoud Mohammadi Alamuti - Rethinking Globalizations: Critical Rationalism and Globalization : Towards the Sociology of the Open Global Society read MOBI, TXT

This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism studies, peace and conflict studies, IR and security studies., This book offers a succinct examination of directions of research in the fields of Terrorism Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies.The book concludes by contrasting the Polish with the experiences of other transitional countries.This monograph is the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on EU criminal law.Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalizing World will be important reading for students and scholars of the anthropology of art, art, and art history, and media, film and cultural studies., This is an investigation of arts and aesthetics in their widest senses and experiences, presenting a variety of perspectives which range from the metaphysical to the political.These extracts from the primary material are accompanied by explanatory commentary placing the documents in their wider context within the international investment legal system.Readers will find in it research papers which propose new approaches on Simone de Beauvoir, and which lay stress on how the author's thinking, work and life go on being a referent for our societies and for the future.Ockham is important not only in the history of philosophy and theology, but also in the development of early modern science and of modern notions of property rights and church-state relations.Part III lays out the theoretical approaches to international adjudication, including those of law, political science, sociology, and philosophy.In 2009, the ship was towed to its final resting place, seventeen nautical miles off the coast of South Padre Island.